List different User Interface Elements. Explain Toggle Button

Here are some common user interface elements:

  1. Buttons
  2. Checkboxes
  3. Radio buttons
  4. Dropdown lists
  5. Text fields
  6. Sliders
  7. Progress bars
  8. Icons
  9. Labels
  10. Tooltips
  11. Dialog boxes
  12. Accordions
  13. Tabbed navigation
  14. Pagination
  15. Breadcrumbs
  16. Cards
  17. Modal windows
  18. Menus
  19. Toolbars
  20. Toggles

A toggle button is a UI element that is used to switch between two states, typically on/off states. It is represented by a rectangular button that has a different visual appearance depending on its state. When the button is "on," it typically appears pressed or highlighted, while when it's "off," it appears unpressed or dimmed.

Toggle buttons are commonly used in software applications and websites to allow users to switch between different modes or settings. For example, a toggle button might be used to turn a feature on or off, or to switch between a light and dark mode in an app.

In addition to its visual appearance, a toggle button can also be accompanied by a text label that indicates the current state. The label can be placed to the left, right, or above the button.

Overall, toggle buttons are a useful UI element for providing users with a quick and easy way to switch between different states or modes, without having to navigate to a separate settings page.