State syntax to create Text View and Image button with any two attributes of each.

Text View:
 Syntax : " android:text=""/> 
 Attributes/Properties of TextView:
 ● id: Supply an identifier name of this view, to later retrieve it with View.findViewByID() or Activity.findViewById() 
 ● alpha: alpha property of the view as a value between 0 (entirely transparent) and 1(Completely Opaque). [flag]
 ● auto link: Controls whether links such as urls and email addresses are automatically found and converted to clickable links.[flag] 
 ● gravity: The gravity attribute is an optional attribute which is used to control the alignment of the text like left, right, center, top, bottom, center_vertical, center_horizontal etc 
text: text attribute is used to set the text in a text view. We can set the text in xml as (Syntax of TextView  well as in the java class. 
● textColor: textColor attribute is used to set the text color of a text view. Color value is in the form of “#argb”, “#rgb”, “#rrggbb”, or “#aarrggbb”.
 ● textSize: textSize attribute is used to set the size of text of a text view. We can set the text size in sp(scale independent pixel) or dp(density pixel). 
● textStyle: textStyle attribute is used to set the text style of a text view. The possible text styles are bold, italic and normal. If we need to use two or more styles for a text view then “|” operator is used for that. 
 ● background: background attribute is used to set the background of a text view. We can set a color or a drawable in the background of a text view
. ● padding: padding attribute is used to set the padding from left, right, top or bottom. In above example code of background we also set the 10dp padding from all the sides of text view. ImageButton: Syntax : Attributes/Properties of ImageButton:
 ● id: id is an attribute used to uniquely identify a image button. Below is the example code in which we set the id of a image button. 
src: src is an attribute used to set a source file of image or you can say image in your image button to make your layout look attractive.
 ● background: background attribute is used to set the background of an image button. We can set a color or a drawable in the background of a Button. 
● padding: padding attribute is used to set the padding from left, right, top or bottom of the ImageButton. c) Descri